Friday, July 23, 2010

U.S. Unemployment Benefits Extended

U.S. President Barack Obama

The U.S. Congress has passed legislation to extend the unemployment benefits of 1,300,000 million people, until November 2010, when the matter will come up for review again. Republicans want some of the remaining stimulus money to pay for it and that's not a bad idea.

The government can also follow the Constitution for a change and drastically cut back on spying on Americans, which would save billions of dollars in surveillance fees at the FBI, NSA and CIA. That's provided one or all of those agencies do not create a national crisis to keep said illegal spying projects going (oh, they're not above doing that and have in the past).

In the meantime, the White House and Congress need to work on job creation, as they have not done a good job in this endeavor thus far. Too much taxpayer money has been wasted and not enough jobs created.

A sound job plan is needed, using preexisting government workers to undertake its implementation. This will save on costs and allow a maximum number of jobs to be created. The government bureaucracy, red tape and corruption needs to go, as people need work.


President Obama signs six-month extension of emergency unemployment benefits