Friday, July 9, 2010

Man Claiming To Be Lebron's Dad Sues For Millions

Leicester Bryce Stovall

A Princeton graduate and former legal advisor to the U.S. Securities and Exchange commission, Leicester Bryce Stovall, has sued basketball player, Lebron James and his mom, Gloria, for paternity, fraud and defamation.

Stovall has demanded $4,000,000 in damages and has requested a jury trial. He claims he had a one night stand with Gloria James when she was 15 and he 29.

Stovall claims he and James are almost identical, which his not true. James is the male version of his mom, who he looks a lot like. He has her facial features. The only similarities I see between Lebron and Stovall is the chin, hair and body build.

Even if you are his dad, why did you pick such an important time in James' life, to come out with such a negative, deeply personal story. What were you hoping to gain, other than the $4,000,000, which you should not have asked for in the first place. It lends the appearance you are after his money.

Lebron James and his son

No judge in his or her right mind would award Stovell any money. Stovall is the one that owes Lebron James and his mother child support back payment, after being an absentee dad and abandoning a 15-year-old mother.

It is obvious you are attempting to take credit for his basketball abilities, but at the end of the day, God gave him that athleticism. Then, by God's grace, his mom raised him.

Keep it up and Lebron is gonna pull a Shaq and start rapping, "Phil is my father, because my biological didn't bother."

Men in these situations are always perplexed when the children they abandoned are upset and bitter, but it is a difficult thing to go through. I know people this has happened to and it deeply wounded and crushed them, not having a dad in their life. They feel like they missed out and it was somehow their fault the parent left, when it was not.

The key for men in such situations, who wish to be apart of their kids lives after not being there, is to be apologetic, understanding, patient, discreet and supportive, not go public with private details and ask for money, causing further distress.