Saturday, July 10, 2010

Lindsay Lohan Stayed Home For A Change

Lindsay Lohan and former lawyer, Shawn Chapman Holley

Lindsay Lohan, has been left reeling, after being sentenced to 90 days in jail and 90 days of rehab, by Judge Marsha Revel, so much so, the troubled, former Hollywood B-list actress, decided to stay home for once, missing a belated birthday bash at a club laden with alcohol. Motorists can breathe a sigh of relief.

Lohan's comeback plan does not benefit from her wildly partying all over the place, as directors and producers read the blogs and are never amused, when irresponsible, substance abusing entertainers, refuse to change their ways.

They do not wish to risk their productions on that, as on the whole, crews prefer calm, creative and cooperative shoots. However, there is a disconnect with Lohan, who believes everyone owes her a favor and is to fawn in her presence. The paparazzi fooled her well. They only kiss up to her to get pictures of the self-destruction that is her life and career.

Side Bar: Considering Paris Hilton served 23 days of a 45 day sentence for a DUI probation violation, shouldn't repeat offender Lohan serve 46 days of her 90 day sentence, in that tiny, little jail cell, with no drugs or alcohol. You're welcome. That little dig is for all the people you've injured, abused and defrauded.