Thursday, July 29, 2010

Free Lindsay Lohan Goes Bust

Lindsay Lohan

A delusional group of Lindsay Lohan supporters, pledged to gather today in Los Angeles, to demonstrate, seeking the freedom of the disgraced Hollywood actress, jailed on multiple DUI probation violations, by Judge Marsha Revel.

Six people...1,2,3,4,5,6 PEOPLE! (shakes head). They should have stayed home. That's not a rally. There's not even enough of them to get a group rate for concert tickets or group seating at a restaurant.

The turnout was next to non-existent. In a financial climate, where 15,000,000 Americans are unemployed, the public has better things to do, than protest for a 24-year-old deviant, who repeatedly went driving, whilst high on cocaine and drunk on hard liquor, squandered millions of dollars in income, then stepped on the property rights of many everyday people she robbed, to maintain a lavish lifestyle.

Lindsay Lohan and lawyer, Shawn Chapman-Holley

As the few Lohanheads around can see, people generally do not sympathize with her being incarcerated, as a number of national pop culture polls revealed, many genuinely want her behind bars for being a spoiled, lawbreaking miscreant, who thinks she is above the law.