Thursday, July 22, 2010

Former MI5 Chief: War Made Terrorism Worse

The former head of Britain's MI5 (Military Intelligence), disputed claims made by former British Prime Minister, Tony Blair, regarding the Iraq war. Eliza Manningham-Buller discredited Blair's George W. Bush fed assertions that Iraq was connected to Al Qaeda and other terrorist factions.

Manningham-Buller stated during the Chilcot Inquiry this week, that as a result of the Iraq war, terrorist incidents grew exponentially, as people began to believe, "The West is attacking Muslims."

Eliza Manningham-Buller

Former U.S. President Bush and his V.P., Dick Cheney, concocted the fake war, whose real mission was to steal oil and Blair went along with it, due to America's "Special Relationship" with Britain. To this day, Brits are still angry with Blair over his decision and Americans are enraged with Bush.

Tony Blair (left) and George W. Bush (right)

At the end of the day, no matter how you slice it, Bush is an evil psychopath, who spooled many into his madness that brought the world to the edge of financial destruction and despair. He belongs in the Hague.

Barack Obama

America's current President, Barack Obama has promised to end the war, but no real steps have been taken to do so, only the issuance of unfulfilled promises that shall hamper America's growth for a long time to come.