The FBI is throwing a hissy fit over people blaming them for Joran Van Der Sloot's murder of 21-year-old, Stephany Flores, in Peru. So much so, they've sent an emissary to slam said claims on a website. They have disavowed all liability in the case.
But let's look at the evidence, shall we. The FBI set up a sting and gave a stone cold murderer, Van Der Sloot, $25,000, with which he flew to Peru to go gambling. He met Flores at a gambling junket, drugged, brutally beat, suffocated, then raped her, after life had left her body. The FBI entrapped Van Der Sloot in the aforementioned sting, but didn't close the cage door, allowing a man, behaving like a dangerous animal to escape with five figures.
The Failure Brigade, er, I mean, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, claims they are not psychic and could not have foreseen this deadly trouble, but once again, let's look at the evidence shall we. One does not need to see the future, when one uses common sense.
For example, the FBI was warned about 9/11 in advance, but blocked their own agent, Harry Sammit, from investigating a man, Zacharias Mousawi, who knew of the plot. They also stonewalled an FBI informant that infiltrated a Miami mosque, Elie Assaad, who wanted to investigate a suspicious man he'd met, Mohamed Atta, who later went on to be one of the 9/11 terrorist hijackers.
They also knew about the London terrorist bombings in advance, as well as the U.S. financial crisis, having been aware of the criminal conduct of Bernard Madoff and R. Allen Stanford, among others, years in advance and receiving warnings from their own employees that FBI HQ ignored.
As the evidence illustrates, the FBI consistently receives clear warnings of trouble in advance, but often ignores them, in favor of their own, poorly thought out folly, deeming deaths of civilians collateral damage. The FBI is a publicity seeking agency with severe corruption issues and therein lies the problem.