Thursday, April 8, 2010

Qatar Diplomat In U.S. Terrorism Scare Released

Video: Police Release Smoker in Plane Scare

Mohammed Al-Madadi, the Qatar diplomat that caused a scare on a U.S. plane in Colorado yesterday, has been released, after being detained for allegedly attempting to ignite a shoe bomb.

It is now being claimed it was a misunderstanding, due to the diplomat having gone to the bathroom to illegally smoke a cigarette. When confronted about the smoke emanating from the airplane toilet, believing he had been racially profiled, he reportedly joked he was attempting to set off a shoe bomb.

If this version of events are true, under the circumstances, such a joke is not funny. In light of the airplane tragedies that have happened as a result of terrorism, with one occurring just 3 and 1/2 months ago, such a joke is insensitive.

Mohammed Al-Madadi should face disciplinary action in his home country for smoking on a plane and making such a joke, which resulted in a national emergency, money expended on law enforcement and military response and more importantly, distress to fellow passengers. Why was he smoking in the bathroom when it is prohibited.

Officials: Jet restroom smoker caused bomb scare

50 minutes ago - DENVER — A Middle Eastern diplomat who set off a national terrorism scare when he grabbed a surreptitious smoke in a jetliner's bathroom and then joked about lighting his shoe on fire has been released from custody and will likely not face criminal charges.

The scare prompted the military to scramble fighter jets to escort the Boeing 757 to the Denver airport Wednesday night. But no explosives were found on the flight.

Authorities speaking on condition of anonymity said they don't think the envoy was trying to hurt anyone and he will not be criminally charged...