Thursday, April 15, 2010

Oprah Winfrey Called Liar And Exaggerator In Book

Kitty Kelley's astonishing book on talk show host, Oprah Winfrey, broke through a tight-lipped Hollywood blacklist and has become one of the most talked out biographies in America. You can't stop the internet.

In the book, Kelley describes Winfrey, as a liar and exaggerator that embellished her upbringing, as so poor, they lived in squalor and her only pets were two cockroaches, claims her family denies, stating Oprah told them these fabricated stories of an impoverished youth is what sells and what the public wants to hear.

Oprah Winfrey

She also discusses Oprah's alleged sexual abuse at her uncle's hands, which the family also disputes. However, Kelley believes Winfrey on this count, stating they are in denial, as many families of sexual abuse are, to varying degrees.

One of Winfrey's cousins also informed Kelley as to the true identity of Oprah's dad, which the author declined to divulge. It is claimed in the book that Winfrey does not like her mother, but the family believes it is her duty to tell Oprah the identity of her dad.

The book also reveals Winfrey is a megalomaniac, as she is quoted as having said, "I really like me, I really do. ... When you mention great actresses, you'll have to say my name. ... I know people really really love me, love me, love me." Ok, you were good in Color Purple, but calm down, girl. Regardless, Goldberg stole the show.

Kelley also reveals what the Judiciary Report has stated in the past about Winfrey - she is bisexual. Kelley states Oprah paid an ex-boyfriend $50,000 to keep that secret quiet. So much for that.

Many are wondering how Kelley convinced the Winfrey family to spill Oprah's secrets and in such great detail, as the talk show host is a woman that goes to great lengths to keep her past private.

'Oprah's' Seven Most Shocking Tales

Winfrey was somewhat "spoiled" growing up, according to her cousin, Katherine Carr Esters. "Where Oprah got that nonsense about growing up in filth and roaches I have no idea," Esters is quoted as saying in "Oprah." "I've confronted her and asked, 'Why do you tell such lies?' Oprah told me, 'That's what people want to hear. The truth is boring.'"

Winfrey speaks highly of herself. Kelley quotes the talk show host as saying, "I really like me, I really do. ... When you mention great actresses, you'll have to say my name. ... I know people really really love me, love me, love me."