Tuesday, April 27, 2010

FBI Made Scientist A Scapegoat In Anthrax Case

FBI Director Robert S. Mueller

Microbiologist, Henry S. Heine, a colleague of the deceased scientist and scapegoat, Dr. Bruce Ivins, has joined the many voices slamming the FBI, who accused him of committing acts of bioterrorism that killed several people, while injuring others.

Heine stated, "Among the senior scientists, no one believes it.” This week, he also stated a point the Judiciary Report also publicly pointed out, “Whoever did this is still running around out there.”

The FBI unethically engaged in a dirty surveillance and harassment war against Ivins, who cracked under the abuse and took his own life. Once again, the FBI has blood on their hands.The FBI initially, incorrectly blamed Dr. Steven Hatfill, who they unethically and illegally harassed, terrorized, defamed and abused, hoping he would crack. The FBI destroyed his life, but he sued them and won.

The FBI's conduct has been disgraceful and should not be done by any law enforcement agency operating within the law. It raises questions about serious human rights abuses and affirms the fact COINTELPRO, which the FBI used to destroy great men, like Martin Luther King jr., never really went away. It just gained a new classified name.

But keep it up though, FBI (sarcasm). You've already gone too far in a number of cases, breaking U.S. and international law and there's a classified case on your books that is going to turn the U.S. Congress against some of you at the Bureau, when it goes public. We'll see how you like it when Congress makes some of you FBI human rights abusers enemies of the state, as you've done to Ivins, Hatfill and others.

You must think prison is pretty as a fed. It is the equivalent of throwing poor little Justin Bieber in a locked cage with Adam Lambert...for years!


Colleague Disputes Case Against Anthrax Suspect

Published: April 22, 2010 - WASHINGTON — A former Army
microbiologist who worked for years with Bruce E. Ivins, whom the F.B.I. has
blamed for the anthrax letter attacks that killed five people in 2001, told a
National Academy of Sciences panel on Thursday that he believed it was
impossible that the deadly spores had been produced undetected in Dr. Ivins’s
laboratory, as the F.B.I. asserts...
Asked by reporters after his testimony whether he believed that
there was any chance that Dr. Ivins, who committed suicide in 2008, had carried
out the attacks, the microbiologist, Henry S. Heine, replied, “Absolutely not.”
At the Army’s biodefense laboratory in Maryland, where Dr. Ivins and Dr. Heine
worked, he said, “among the senior scientists, no one believes it.”...
“Whoever did this is still running around out there,” Dr. Heine said. “I
truly believe that.”