U.S. President Barack Obama and his political party, the Democrats have been on the receiving end of death threats, threats of violence and vandalism today, in the wake of his controversial health care bill being signed into law.
Video: Health Care Battle Continues CBS
It is also being reported, "The FBI is reportedly investigating a severed gas line at the home of Rep. Tom Perriello's brother after tea partiers posted the brother's address online, believing it to be Rep. Perriello's." It's safe to say things have gotten out of control. However, once again, violence is not the answer.
On the other side of the aisles, the Republican party are working under the motto "Repeal and Replace." However, some Republicans insist the bill is so bad, they are unable to fix it. Hence states suing the government, branding the bill "unconstitutional." To make matters worse, consumer confidence on the matter is quite low, as most Americans dislike the bill.
Words, and now bricks thrown at lawmakers over health care vote
After Threats and Vandalism, Democrats Meet with Capitol Police
FBI investigating threats to Democrats