Friday, March 19, 2010

Lil Wayne's Time In Prison

Lil Wayne

Here it is, rapper Lil Wayne is in prison on gun charges, trying to keep his little butt cheeks together to prevent them from getting violated and the Judiciary Report is teasing him about his incarceration. Therefore, the site would like to offer constructive advice for the rapper's time in prison.

1. Reevaluate the type of music you make. A lot of kids listen to your music and much of it is filled with lyrics about drug taking, sexual promiscuity and violence. You should make a more positive mark on the world. Take this time to reflect on the example you have set and try to do better in the sight of God.

2. You often rap about your addiction to various drugs, when it has clearly robbed you of many moments in your life you do not remember, as you were stoned. Now that you are away from the Hollywood lifestyle for a period of time, try to kick the habit and come out of prison a new man. Do not return to drug, lest you overdose like so many stars that have gone before you.


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