Saturday, March 6, 2010

Family Caught In Chile And Haiti Earthquakes

Video: Family survives Haiti and Chile earthquakes

Haitian musician, Pierre Desarmes, moved his family from their homeland, to Chile, after a terrible earthquake hit their nation, severely damaging the capital. He reasoned they would be safer in Chile, until Haiti is rebuilt and reorganized.

Not long after settling in Chile, a massive earthquake struck, leaving them stunned at what they were facing. It's amazing that this family has endured two serious earthquakes, two months apart. It is good they are alive. Life is precious and you were spared. Make the most of the life God has given you. God bless you.

Family survived Haiti and Chile earthquakes

Thu Mar 4 2010 18:30:15 - A Haitian family who left Haiti following the earthquake on January 12 has survived a second huge quake in Chile.

But having lived through two of the most devastating natural disasters in recent years, the Desarmes family is now refusing to stay in their eldest son Pierre Desarmes' house. They are instead living in the garden out of fear another tremor would cause the building to crumble...