Therese Ziemann
A cheating husband in the American state of Wisconsin, was set up and punished by his wife and three women he had affairs with, for not telling any of them about his unfaithful conduct.
(Left to right) Wendy Sewell, Tracy Hood-Davis and Michelle Belliveau
They ganged up on him and glued his penis to his stomach. Hahaha! I mean, that was wrong, very wrong! Seriously, violence is not necessary (even if it was funny). The women were arrested and sentenced to one year of probation. I have a question. Exactly how did he unglue himself. Really, scientifically speaking...(still laughing).
Four women who took revenge on cheating lover using a tube of glue walk free from courtLast updated at 2:54 PM on 03rd February 2010 - A mother tied up her cheating lover and glued his genitals to his stomach, a court heard.
Therese Ziemann then summoned two of Donessa Davis's other lovers and his wife, Tracy Hood-Davis, by text message before verbally abusing him.
The 48-year-old claimed she and the three other women only wanted to confront the lothario about his cheating ways. Her decision to grab the bottle of nail glue from her makeup bag was 'a stupid spur-of-the-minute decision,' she said...
Ziemann, Michelle Belliveau, 43, Wendy Sewell, 44 and 31-year-old Hood-Davis were all sentenced yesterday to one year probation plus community service for their roles in the revenge plot.
She told police she slapped the man in the face, cut off his underwear and used the glue to attach his penis to his stomach...