Saturday, February 20, 2010

Report: U.S. Government Freezes Rapper Eve's Assets


Rapper Eve, real name Eve Jeffers, 31, who is currently embroiled in a money laundering scandal that embarrassingly made its way into the Senate, reportedly saw the U.S. government freeze her assets today. It appears the government is coming after her, though she denies it. They are stating she owes the I.R.S. $375,000 in taxes and they want their money.

They usually give people a chance to repay their tax debts, on a payment plan, rather than resorting to freezing assets first, which leads the Judiciary Report to believe, if reports are true in this regard, the U.S. government is angry she committed crimes that are felonies, in aiding an African president's son, Teodorin Nguema Obiang, in laundering money through the American banking system.

Eve made money as a rapper and actress, with 5 million CDs sold, roles in several motion pictures and her own self-titled show that aired for 3 years. It's a shame she succumbed to the temptation of easy money, via money laundering, as she certainly wasn't poor. Not that it would excuse it.


Rapper Eve Under Investigation For Money Laundering