Thursday, February 4, 2010

Obama Slammed By Las Vegas Mayor

"You're Not Welcome Here"

Again: President Obama Knocks Trips to Las Vegas

U.S. President Barack Obama made comments about the West Coast city in America named Las Vegas that were perceived as disparaging by its mayor, Oscar Goodman. As such he has commanded "Obama is not welcome" in his city anymore.

Obama has been discouraging Americans from taking trips to Vegas, famous for its gambling and nightlife, proclaiming the country is in financial straits and people need to save. The Mayor views this as killing tourism to his city and is not amused.

Las Vegas mayor to President Obama: 'He's not welcome in my city'

Story Published: Feb 3, 2010 at 1:14 PM EST - LAS VEGAS (NBC NEWS) - "When times are tough, you tighten your belts. You don't go buying a boat when you're trying to pay your mortgage. You don't blow a bunch of cash on Vegas when you're trying to save on college. You prioritize, you make tough choices."

Those words, used by President Obama in a speech earlier this week have the mayor of Las Vegas fuming...again. Mayor Oscar Goodman says he's worried the statement will damage Las Vegas' already suffering economy.

"This president is a real slow learner," Goodman said after the speech. "He has a real psychological hang-up about the entertainment capital of the world and an apology won't be acceptable this time."

Shortly after the mayor's remarks, Obama sent a letter to U.S. Senator Harry Reid of Nevada in which he states, "I wasn't saying anything negative about Las Vegas." The president goes on to praise Las Vegas as a great place to have fun...

"I want the president to straighten this out. Otherwise, he's not welcome in my city," he said...