Thursday, February 4, 2010

Has The U.S. Economy Really Improved

U.S. President Barack Obama

Has the U.S. economy really improved. Banks and other U.S. businesses are still closing in record numbers, Americans still can't find work and today it was announced, due to a revision, the economy has lost 825,000 more jobs.

The current government plans are not working. The government needs to change course, before it's too late and the damage becomes a way of life, stuck in a cycle you can't get out of.

U.S. May Lose 824,000 Jobs as Employment Data Revised: Analysis

Feb. 3 (Bloomberg Multimedia) -- The U.S. may lose 824,000 jobs when the government releases its annual revision to employment data on Feb. 5, showing the labor market was in worse shape during the recession than known at the time.

Click here for a Bloomberg Multimedia interactive visual analysis of the economy’s job losses.

Unemployment rises in most metro areas

Feb 2, 2:40 PM (ET) - WASHINGTON (AP) - Unemployment rose in most cities and counties in December, signaling that companies remain reluctant to hire even as the economy recovers.

The unemployment rate rose in 306 of 372 metro areas, the Labor Department said Tuesday. The rate fell in 41 and was unchanged in 25. That's worse than November, when the rate fell in 170 areas, rose in only 154 and was unchanged in 48.

The metro employment numbers aren't seasonally adjusted and can be volatile. Many of the increases were due to seasonal factors...

The Obama Spell Is Broken

Unlike this president, John Kennedy was an ironist who never fell for his own mystique.

The curtain has come down on what can best be described as a brief un-American moment in our history. That moment began in the fall of 2008, with the great financial panic, and gave rise to the Barack Obama phenomenon.

The nation's faith in institutions and time-honored ways had cracked. In a little-known senator from Illinois millions of Americans came to see a savior who would deliver the nation out of its troubles. Gone was the empiricism in political life that had marked the American temper in politics. A charismatic leader had risen in a manner akin to the way politics plays out in distressed and Third World societies.

Professor Fouad Ajami's opinion piece garnered over 400 comments. He visits the News Hub to discuss his views and offer rebuttals to criticism.

There is nothing surprising about where Mr. Obama finds himself today. He had been made by charisma, and political magic, and has been felled by it. If his rise had been spectacular, so, too, has been his fall.