Friday, February 19, 2010

Dick Cheney: Obama Is A One Term President

Obama: peace, cousin Cheney

Former U.S. Vice President, Dick Cheney, proclaimed yesterday that White House incumbent, Barack Obama "is a one term President."

He took a number of jabs at Obama and proclaimed the current political conditions are so go against the rival party, he would even run for President, but will not. Thankfully. Furthermore, he'd lose, as people are still angry over the war.

Dick Cheney as movie character Dr. Evil (courtesy of About Political Humor website)

Obama's poll numbers and public dissatisfaction is as such that he is harming his Democratic Party's chance for reelection. He needs to change direction, if they are to be reelected.

Side Bar: Why does this Negro, I mean dude, always look so angry in his photos:

Then, when he does manage to smile it looks crooked:


Obama Talks About Being A One Term President

'Run, Cheney, Run' chants at conservative gathering

Feb 18, 2010 01:32 PM - Liz Cheney brought a surprise guest to her speech at CPAC today: Her father.

Former vice president Dick Cheney, who wasn't expected to speak at the Conservative Political Action Conference, appeared on stage to broad cheers and a few chants of "Run, Cheney, Run" after his daughter had delivered her scheduled remarks. He said jokingly that his daughter said he could come along "but I had to be arm candy."

When someone in the crowd shouted "Cheney 2012," he shot back, "Knock it off." "A welcome like that is almost enough to make me want to run for office again," he said, then let applause rise before he added, "But I'm not a-gonna do it."...

"The sky's the limit here," he said. "I think 2010 is gong to be a phenomenal year for the conservative cause. And I think Barack Obama is a one-term president." That got a big response, too.