Megan Fox
It seems Angelina Jolie wannabe, Megan Fox and her mouth have turned off some male members of the public, as actress, Emmanuelle Chriqui, has been voted the most desirable by the Ask Men website.
Emmanuelle Chriqui
Maybe being evil in your interviews was not such a good idea, Megan. Regardless, looks fade - kindness, decency, intelligence and personality never do.
Megan Fox isn't so desirable anymore according to AskMen.com's on line poll
January 20, 11:48 PM - What do men really want in a woman? According to AskMen.com's annual poll of the 99 most desirable women, it's Emmanuelle Chriqui. Last year Megan Fox was number two on the list, however this year she fell quite a ways down to the number eleven spot on this years list...