Monday, January 11, 2010

Harry Reid Called Obama A Light-Skinned Negro

Doesn't He Mean "Light-Skinneded"

President Obama (center) Senator Harry Reid (right)

Didn't I warn white people not to use the word "Negro." It's like black people joking about white people loving NASCAR - you just don't do it (kidding).

U.S. President Barack Obama: he said what!

Either, Senator Harry Reid (Democrat) just watched an episode of "The Jeffersons" or he had a drink or two, as he referred to President Barack Obama as "light-skinned" and said he is pleased he does not use "Negro dialect." Maybe he's been listening to the Rush Limbaugh show.

Reid has since apologized. Obama accepted his apology. Hey, at least he didn't use the word "Ni*ger." FBI Director Robert S. Mueller.

Obama accepts 'negro' quote apology

Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid has apologised to Barack Obama for pre-election comments describing the president as a "light skinned" African-American "with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one".

Mr Reid made the comments in private during the long 2008 campaign when discussing why Mr Obama should seek, and could win, the presidency.

Mr Obama quickly accepted the apology, saying: "As far as I am concerned, the book is closed." ...