Monday, January 11, 2010

C.I.A. Bomber Released Video Tape

Everybody Wants To Be A YouTube Star

"CIA bomber vowing revenge for Baitullah Mehsud's death"

Tell the truth, doesn't he look like the guy from "The Mummy":

Oded Fehr

I don't know, maybe because it's a little late in the night or it could be the fact the temperature in Miami has hit record lows I blame Al Gore for this and as such, the wind chill is acting as a sort of Slurpee, giving me some type of brain freeze, but am I the only one that didn't understand half of what he said in that video (posted above). Some subtitles, please.

Did he say he works for the Mujahideen or "The Mummy?" (Medjai)? And what's with the bad lighting - it's like Madonna trying to hide all her plastic surgery scars in one of her videos.

The above posted poster is from the movie "The Mummy" for those of you that have been "living in a cave"...literally (get the joke?)

He said in the video, the U.S. government offered him millions of dollars to betray his terrorist group. Yea, he should have taken some of that money and bought better camera equipment and better lighting.

Another thing, if they are in caves when they shoot these things, what's with the professional logo in the back. I didn't know they have signs-r-us in caves.

Seriously, it is really sad that people feel they have to kill others, going to such terrible extremes, to prove a point that is lost on most people in the world, as the premise behind it is flawed and very wrong.

'Afghanistan CIA bomber' shown vowing revenge

The clip purportedly shows al-Balawi with Taliban chief Hakimullah Mehsud

Video of a Jordanian said to have blown up seven CIA agents in Afghanistan has shown him vowing revenge for Pakistani Taliban chief Baitullah Mehsud's death.

In a clip broadcast on al-Jazeera TV, suicide bomber Humam Khalil Abu-Mulal al-Balawi says Mehsud must be avenged "inside and outside America". The footage appears to show him next to Mehsud's successor, Hakimullah Mehsud, although he is not named in the video.

Eight people - seven CIA agents and one Jordanian officer - died in the attack...