Yesterday, Craig Monteilh, a man that became an FBI informant, sued the Bureau stating they left him for dead, after getting him arrested and incarcerated during an under cover job. He states he was stabbed in prison by White Supremacists and in another incident, a "fatwa" was ordered against him due to work the FBI had him perform regarding a Muslim group.
The Judiciary Report warned two weeks ago on January 11. 2010 the FBI's promises mean nothing, as they do not honor their word. Whether you are a victim of crime or an informant, take everything they say with a grain of salt, as they are dishonorable liars, who are not to be trusted. Believing them could cost you your very life. They will use and abuse you, then leave you for dead when they get what they want.
They see victims of crime and informants as expendable, collateral damage. There are many other stories of victims of crime and informants being murdered, maimed or impaired, due to FBI criminal negligence. They simply do not care. Do not get involved with them.
F.B.I. Los Angeles spokesdevil, Laura Eimiller, claims the lawsuit is just a ploy to get money out of the FBI who routinely steal the American people's tax dollars with miscellaneous, bogus receipts.
She stated,
a) Why are you invoking the name of the Muslim American community when they don't even like you (FBI)
- and -
b) When you say "personally benefit" do you mean like when the FBI, who are supposed to be out fighting crime, outright took a preexisting copyright it had no business touching in a million years, hired a Los Angeles entertainment agency, William Morris and collected a massive check for a show Fox decided to drop before it aired, due to bad publicity. Last time I checked, that was called criminal copyright infringement and is a violation of the U.S. Code and international law. You know, like using a foreign MP's photo without permission for terrorist mock ups. Well, well well, the crime fighters are criminals.
It says a lot that Monteilh and radio shock jock, Hal Turner, among others, keep telling this same story, regarding the FBI paying them to engage in incendiary and illegal acts, while infiltrating hate groups and mosques.
Considering the FBI has lied about not violating the privacy of the American people, via such means as illegal wiretaps, email scanning, unlawfully accessing phone records, personal library records and bank accounts, the public has absolutely no reason to believe the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Even the latest, extraordinarily disrespectful and downright dangerous international incident involving a Spanish MP has shown the FBI to be absolute liars.
It's amazing how FBI Director Robert S. Mueller continues to bring this nation's name into disrepute all over the world with his madness and treachery.
How much more disgrace do you intend to draw before you crash out of that job, oh Hoover reboot. More importantly, how many more innocent Americans will die due to your criminal negligence (for further reference see September 11th and Fort Hood, to name a few).
Suit by alleged informant says FBI endangered his life
Craig Monteilh, who says he worked undercover in Orange County as part of anti-terrorism efforts, accuses the bureau of abandoning him after mishandling a case. Action also names the Irvine Police Dep.
Alleged informant Craig Monteilh, 47, says that the FBI essentially cut him loose after a supervisor bungled an operation that would have led to the discovery of "bomb making materials" in a Tustin mosque. (Gina Ferazzi/Los Angeles Times / February 24, 2009)
January 23, 2010 - An Irvine man who says he worked as an undercover informant for the FBI, most notably as a Muslim convert in an anti-terrorism case, filed a lawsuit Friday accusing his law enforcement handlers of violating his civil rights and endangering his life.
Craig Monteilh, 47, says he worked as an informant for the FBI from 2004 through 2008, providing information and assistance in narcotics, bank robbery and murder for hire investigations before being asked to go undercover as part of an anti-terrorist effort in Orange County, according to a complaint filed in U.S. District Court in Los Angeles.
Monteilh alleges that the FBI essentially cut him loose after a supervisor bungled an operation that would have led to the discovery of "bomb making materials" in a Tustin mosque. Afterward, the lawsuit alleges, his FBI handlers reneged on a promise to implement an "exit strategy" that was to include back pay and severance pay and help with beginning a life with a new identity...
"The government will have the opportunity to defend the lawsuit in court," FBI spokeswoman Laura Eimiller said in a prepared statement. "However, the accusations appear to be desperate attempts by Mr. Monteilh to personally benefit at the expense of law enforcement officers and the Muslim American community."
Monteilh says in his lawsuit that his work for the bureau at times placed his life in jeopardy. At one point after his cover was blown, he said, Muslim extremists "ordered a 'fatwa' " against him and the Romania Mafia, Mexican Mafia and a white supremacist group all wanted him dead...
Former OC informant files $10 million suit against FBI
"Mr. Monteilh communicated his grave concerns over the threats on his life to the FBI and asked for the FBI to arrange for protective custody, but instead he was left in general population, thereby exposed to constant danger of being killed," the suit reads...
"Assistant United States Attorney Dierdra Eliot gave Mr. Monteilh special permission, by and through a signed Federal document, to engage in jihadist rhetoric, including but not limited to conducting terrorist operations, possessing weapons and initiating conversations to further terrorist acts against the United States," the lawsuit states...
Hussam Ayloush, executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, Los Angeles Chapter, said it's not the use of informants that worries him, but allegations and consistent reports that informants incite violent rhetoric inside the Muslim community, and reports that agents use immigration, financial, and legal tactics to strong-arm people into becoming informants.