Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Cornel West Caringly Admonishes Obama

"Cornel West's Note To Obama"

Professor Cornel West, caringly admonished his friend, U.S. President Barack Obama, not to forget the plight of the poor and downtrodden in America. West, like many others, are alarmed at Obama's about face since he has been in office, deviating from many things he said he would do, which he claimed are a priority to him. West warned him not to be drawn in by the elite. You see it too, huh.

Obama has been mixing with certain "powers that be" in the U.S. government, they are leading him astray with very bad advice and if he is not careful, it shall not amount to reelection. He's listening to the wrong people that can't get him back in office. He needs to start listening to the people of America, the populace, also known as the electorate.

U.S. President Barack Obama

For example, individuals at the FBI, CIA and NSA have encouraged Obama to bend and in some cases, break rules in the areas of civil liberties, via conduct he knew to be wrong. He's also allowed some in the corporate sector to sway his decision making in areas that are unethical.

At the end of the day, Obama can proclaim a number of things, but the public is watching what he does, not says and that will determine the vote.