Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Police Officer Betty Shelby Arrested In The Shooting Death Of Unarmed Black Motorist Terrence Crutcher And Her Criminal History Surfaces

Betty Shelby mugshot
This is a follow up to yesterday morning's article "Oklahoma Police Killing Unarmed Black Man Terrence Crutcher For Having Car Trouble And Looking Like 'A Bad Dude' Is Racial Profiling." Police officer Betty Shelby has been arrested and charged with first degree manslaughter. She has been booked and released on bond. Shelby's lawyer has been speaking to the press on her behalf.

Terrence Crutcher
More facts have emerged in the case. Shelby claimed Crutcher was reaching into his car for a weapon. However, no weapon was found and there is blood lining the CLOSED window of the vehicle where Crutcher was shot and killed. Police have now admitted the window of Crutcher's vehicle was closed, indicating he was not reaching for a gun and once again, none was found. 

News surfaced of Crutcher's criminal record, which some used in an attempt to excuse his murder. However, the law does not permit people to kill others based on past criminal convictions. I should not even have to state that. Since some dragged out Crutcher's criminal past, the same is being done to Shelby. It has been revealed she has drug problems and engaged in domestic violence and acts of harassment.

Cop Who Shot Terence Crutcher Has History Of Drug Use, Domestic Disturbances

Aren’t these the characteristics that describe a “thug”?

09/22/2016 02:54 pm ET | Updated 11 hours ago - A federal investigation is looking into the police shooting of Terence Crutcher in Tulsa, Oklahoma, which has also prompted a deeper probe into the history and past conduct of the cop involved in his death...The shooting, which is one of the latest in a string of police killings of black men and women, has gained nationwide attention. That has put Shelby’s work history under heavy scrutiny. More information released this week on her professional background and personal life, some disclosed by her attorney Scott Wood, could help to paint a more complete picture of her. 

Betty Shelby has divorced and remarried at least once. According to the job application she submitted to the sheriff’s office in 2007, her ex-husband’s new wife filed a protective order against her in 2002 to put an end to harassing phone calls the new wife claims Shelby made. The order was eventually denied and Shelby maintained her innocence. Nearly a decade earlier, Shelby noted on the same application, a breakup with her then-boyfriend led to the two damaging each other’s cars. Temporary restraining orders were filed and eventually tossed out... 


A Questionable Past: This Is What We Know About The Officer Who Shot Terence Crutcher

Sep, 22, 2016 - Tulsa Officer Betty Shelby's work history and past are now under scrutiny after the officer shot and killed Terence Cruther, a Black man who was unarmed with his hands in the air. Tension is rising and protests continue following the shootings of Terence Crutcher and Keith Lamont Scott. While not much has come to light about the officer who shot Scott, Officer Brentley Vinson, Betty Shelby's work history and past are under scrutiny after she killed Crutcher, who was unarmed with his hands in the air. Here's what we know about Officer Betty Shelby: 

Shelby's attorney, Scott Wood, said that the officer had completed drug recognition training and believed Crutcher to be under the influence. Police say they did recover a vial of PCP from Crutcher's vehicle. However, Shelby admitted on her application for the sheriff's office in 2007 that she had engaged in drug use, reporting that she's used marijuana twice at the age of 18 in social gatherings.
Despite her past with excessive force, there was never any disciplinary action taken against Shelby. 

Shelby has been accused of excessive force twice, both complaints were determined to be unfounded. In 2002, her ex-husbands wife filed a protective order against Shelby after she allegedly made threatening phone calls to the woman. The protective order was denied with Shelby stating, "The Judge saw that I was not guilty of the accusations made against me." 

In 1993, Shelby and her boyfriend had restraining orders filed against them after they damaged each other's vehicles during a break up. And no disciplinary action was taken in 2010 when Shelby and other officers pulled their weapons on a man who was trying to hide while a felony search warrant was being served... 
