U.S. President Barack Obama has done a very poor job regarding racial profiling and police brutality, as he has engaged in incendiary, divisive speech, while failing to enact any meaningful change to ensure people are treated equally under the law. Many in the black community are angry with Obama regarding this issue and have expressed disappointment on social networking.
The U.S. State Department often issues
travel warnings against numerous foreign nations. In an
unprecedented turn, nations are issuing travel warnings to
their citizens regarding America. The race based police
brutality occurring in U.S. states, prompted the Bahamas and
United Arab Emirates to issue travel warnings to their
citizens about traveling to America.
The world is outraged at the police
brutality which resulted in the deaths of Alton Sterling and
Philando Castile, which have been heavily televised on the
international stage to billions of people, via global news
broadcasts. To highlight that it is a chronic problem, many
well respected international newspapers and programs have
carried pieces listing the names of many victims of color
who have died at the hands of police using excessive force.
Global citizens have publicly expressed
their disapproval of the police brutality on social
networking and via peaceful protests in their nations.
Global citizens have expressed the view the brutalization of
black people in America needs to stop. As it stands, global
citizens are afraid to visit America for fear of their
People all over the world do not agree with
what is transpiring. Officers who engage in police brutality
are damaging America’s name and standing in the world.
America has regressed. It’s like the civil rights era all
over again with abuses against black people, leading to
protests. The pictures coming out of America now and eerily
similar to the unrest of the 1960s.
This is the world’s perception of America.
Washington is turning a blind eye to how America is viewed
in the world. The extensive human rights abuses being
committed against black people is viewed in a very negative
light in the international community. Hopefully
international disapproval will get Congress’ attention and
spark some meaningful legislative change, where all
Americans can be treated equally.
Bahamas issues US travel advisory over racial tensions
9 July 2016 - The Bahamas has issued a rare
travel advisory for its citizens visiting the US,
recommending particular care for young men in cities
affected by tensions over recent police shootings. The
advisory warns citizens to not get involved in protests and
avoid crowds. It comes after two black men were shot dead by
police in Minnesota and Louisiana, and five officers were
killed at a protest in Dallas. Some 90% of the Bahamas
population is black, according to the CIA.
The advisory comes as the country, a former
British colony, celebrates its Independence Day holiday, on
10 July, a time when many locals travel abroad, including to
the US. The statement, issued by the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs, tells citizens to "exercise appropriate caution",
especially in cities affected by "tensions... over shootings
of young black males by police officers". "In particular
young males are asked to exercise extreme caution in
affected cities in their interactions with the police. Do
not be confrontational, and co-operate," it says. "Do not
get involved in political or other demonstrations under any
circumstances and avoid crowds."
The US regularly issues travel advisories
for Americans visiting other countries, but it is rare for
nations to issue warnings for their citizens travelling to
the US.
UAE tells citizens to leave robes at home after businessman held as Isis suspect in US
UAE tells citizens to leave robes at home after businessman held as Isis suspect in US
Sunday 3 July 2016 20.34 EDT - The United
Arab Emirates has urged men to avoid wearing the white
robes, headscarf and headband of the national dress when
travelling abroad, after a businessman visiting the United
States was wrestled to the ground and held as an Islamic
State suspect. UAE media reported that the Emirati man was
detained in Avon, Ohio, last week after a female clerk at a
local hotel called 911 to report what she had described as a
man affiliated to Islamic State, according to the
Arabic-language al-Bayan newspaper.
The English language newspaper the National
said the receptionist at the Fairfield Inn hotel called the
police after she heard the man talking on his phone in the
hotel lobby. The woman reportedly described him as “a
suspicious man with disposable phones – two of them – in a
full head dress.” Gulf News, another UAE newspaper,
published photos of the Emirati man in white robes being
wrestled to the ground and handcuffed before being led away
by police. The man, who sustained injuries in the incident,
told the National that the police were “brutal”...
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New Scandal Erupts Regarding The FBI And Justice Department Monitoring Calls Of AP Reporters Confirming Previous Site Claims
Obama’s War On Journalists Evident In The Case Of CBS News Journalist Sharyl Attkisson Among Others
British And American Journalists Call President Obama A ‘Hypocrite’ For Meddling In Brexit
Obama Administration Armed The Drug Cartels And ISIS At U.S. Taxpayers Expense
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Russia: Obama Is Protecting ISIS