Barack Obama
The Washington, DC based Politico website
ran a hard hitting piece on U.S. President Barack Obama
entitled “How The World Fell Out Of Love With Obama." The
article carries the line, “In countries key to the
president‘s legacy, people express profound disappointment
in a man from whom they expected great things.”
The article explores the deterioration of
Obama’s presidency and legacy. Many had big hopes for
Obama’s presidency, but he ultimately sold out to mentally
ill Hollywood and greedy corporate interests on Wall Street
and it has destroyed his name and legacy. It was a conscious
choice he made and not one without consequences.
In 2008, Obama ran on a platform of “hope”
and “change” but failed to fulfill those promises. Obama has
spent an enormous amount of taxpayer money on failed,
fruitless initiatives, pushed his personal agenda above
basic human rights for all, deprived Christians of
inalienable rights in violation of the constitution, railed
against free speech via punishing journalists and bloggers.
How the World Fell Out of Love with Obama
July 09, 2016 - In countries key to the
president’s legacy, people express profound disappointment
in a man from whom they expected great things. The rest of
the world fell as hard for Barack Obama as Americans did.
Back in 2008, the same qualities in the 47-year-old senator
from Illinois that excited U.S. voters enthralled people
around the globe.
He was a fresh face and a compelling orator.
He had spent his childhood in the Asia-Pacific, and his skin
color alone made billions of people feel a connection with
him. Perhaps most importantly, he was not George W. Bush,
the president who invaded Iraq. Obama promised “hope” and
“change” and people believed he could deliver—that he would
end wars in Muslim countries, improve America’s standing on
human rights, even alleviate global poverty. “Yes we can!”
shouted The Age, an Australian newspaper, when he won
office. Just months later, the rookie president was awarded
the Nobel Peace Prize, a nod more to his promise than to
anything he had accomplished.
Obama’s overseas poll numbers were
stratospheric in those early days. In countries like France
and Germany, more than 90 percent of people surveyed by the
Pew Research Center expressed confidence that Obama would
“do the right thing regarding world affairs.” Even in some
Middle Eastern countries, where U.S. presidents are rarely
liked, nearly half of the populace had high expectations for
But peace did not arrive in Obama’s time.
Obama’s standing in much of the world seemed to sag each
year as he struggled to fulfill his promises. America, after
all, still has troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. In the Middle
East, revolutionary movements, including ones Obama overtly
backed, have largely fizzled or bred violent anarchy. And
Russia has ignored Obama’s warnings and asserted its
influence in former Soviet states, sometimes at the point of
a gun. Many saw in this picture a naive president and a
United States of diminished standing.
In Jordan, confidence in Obama fell from 31
percent in 2009 to 14 percent last year, the Pew surveys
show. Some 86 percent of Britons expressed confidence in
Obama in 2009; in 2015, it was 76 percent. Even in Kenya,
where Obama has family ties, confidence in him stood at 80
percent in 2015, down from the mid-90s his first two years.
The numbers don’t suggest deep antipathy toward Obama, but
the heady infatuation that accompanied his arrival in office
has changed into pervasive disappointment...
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New Scandal Erupts Regarding The FBI And Justice Department Monitoring Calls Of AP Reporters Confirming Previous Site Claims
Obama’s War On Journalists Evident In The Case Of CBS News Journalist Sharyl Attkisson Among Others
British And American Journalists Call President Obama A ‘Hypocrite’ For Meddling In Brexit
Obama Administration Armed The Drug Cartels And ISIS At U.S. Taxpayers Expense
World Leaders Blaming Obama For Brexit
Russia: Obama Is Protecting ISIS