Republicans Still Trying To Oust Donald Trump Despite The Fact He Clinched The Nomination For President Of The United States
Donald Trump
Democrats from U.S. President Barack Obama to
voters in the primaries are shocked that Republican,
Donald Trump, has become the candidate for his
political party. Polarizing, divisive Trump, has
accumulated the necessary amount of delegates to become the
official candidate for the Republicans. It was an easy and clear
win. However, Democrats are still battling it out to
determine their candidate, with Hillary Clinton
holding a lead over more suitable politician, Bernie
Under normal circumstances the management of the
Republican party would be thrilled their candidate
has been quickly determined, while the Democrats are
experiencing infighting and turmoil in attempting to
select their nominee. But not so. Republican party
officials are still trying to oust Trump due to the
incendiary, racist things he has publicly stated
creating enemies worldwide.
Hillary Clinton
At the end of the day, Republican voters chose
Trump and in a democracy, you honor the will of the
people. Trump has been trying to make peace with
Hispanics, after racist, cruel and defamatory
statements he made about Mexicans. If Trump can
secure the sizeable Hispanic vote (and he is kissing
up and running ads geared at Hispanics) the
Democrats are in trouble.
Trump is feverishly courting the white male vote (who are the majority of the voting block in America).
Trump is also using subtly sexist statements in
appealing to men to reject Clinton as a possible
president, painting her as a woman who is too weak,
careless, confused and flustered to run the country,
due to her national security failures in the State
Department email hacking scandal and Benghazi. Make
no mistake, Trump is trying to win the presidency
and is becoming more calculating as the process
moves on.