Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Chris Brown Slammed By Critics And Fans Over Documentary (Video)

Beleaguered R&B singer, Chris Brown, released a trailer for a documentary entitled "Welcome To My Life" and it is provoking a whirlwind of negative statements from the press and fans. The Daily Mail stated of Brown discussing his domestic violence fist fight with singer Rihanna, "The singer never says that he is sorry for what he did to Rihanna; rather he is sorry for what happened to him in the aftermath." 

New York magazine stated, "Don't bother watching that garbage documentary about garbage-person Chris Brown." The Huffington Post wrote, "There's going to be a new Chris Brown documentary where he expects us to feel sorry for him." The reviews thus far and the reception to the documentary's premise has been overwhelmingly negative. This is not what Brown and his team were hoping to achieve.