Barack Obama
Obama has done a number of things that is causing Americans to question his conduct regarding the fight against terrorism. U.S. congresswoman, Tulsi Gabbard, accused Obama of "working hand in hand with ISIS" [President Obama's Fellow Democrat Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard Has Accused Him Of Working Hand In Hand With ISIS In Syria (Video)]. Obama recklessly wasted $500,000,000 in U.S. taxpayer money in an ill-advised military maneuver to arm and train Syrian rebels who have known ties to Al Qaeda and ISIS. Said rebels then gave the sophisticated U.S. weaponry to ISIS and Al Qaeda (Obama Administration Loses $500 Million Dollars In Taxpayer Money As Rebels They Trained Give U.S. Weapons And Equipment To Al Qaeda In Syria).
Obama enacted rules at Homeland Security barring the agency from properly screening immigrants coming into America, prohibiting employees from checking social networking pages for criminal comments (Obama Administration Policy Led To Homeland Security Not Checking Social Networking Pages Of Terrorists Coming Into America).
This enabled terrorists like Tashfeen Malik to enter the United States and wage Jihad, which resulted in the San Bernardino terrorist attack (14 Dead And 17 Wounded In Shooting By 3 Jihadis At A California Disability Center). Many know people often write their true feelings on social networking, promoting items and causes that are important to them. People have been caught unethically espousing support for terrorism on social networking sites such as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram (The FBI Is Locking Up People Over Retweets On Twitter).
Obama also angered Americans in refusing to acknowledge the San Bernardino attacks were due to terrorism (Obama Administration Being Slammed By Americans For Refusing To Label San Bernardino Killings Terrorism). Things grew worse when Obama backed Syrian rebels shot down a Russia plane on its way to fight ISIS (Obama Backed Syrian Rebels Linked To ISIS Deliberately Shoot Down Russian Rescue Helicopter Aiding Downed Jet That Was On Its Way To Fight The Terrorist Group).