Monday, September 30, 2013

Taliban Kills 85 Christians In Pakistan Via Suicide Bombing At A Church

This month, 85 Christians in Peshawar, Pakistan were killed in a suicide bombing attack at the All Saints Church. The attack was carried out by the Taliban, via two suicide bombers. It led to the three-day closure of "mission schools." Pakistanis protested the gruesome incident, demanding protection for Christians in the nation. 


Pakistan Christians Issue Call for Protection

Published: September 23, 2013 - LONDON — With its Muslim-style minarets topped by a large black cross, the All Saints Church in Peshawar has for more than a century offered a daring architectural expression of Muslim-Christian harmony and cohabitation. This is how the Taliban destroyed it: two suicide bombers rushed the church doors as worshipers streamed out on Sunday. One attacker exploded his vest inside, the other just outside...