Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Paternity Case Against Michael Jordan By Aspiring Rapper's Mother Dismissed

  Basketball fan and secret black man, Justin Bieber will be filing a paternity suit against Michael Jordan, whom he believes is his daddy, because as we all know, Bieber has crossed over...in the other direction and is now black. I'm just teasing. 
Well that didn't last long. The recently submitted paternity lawsuit filed by Pamela Smith in Atlanta, Georgia, on behalf of her son, 16-year-old Taj Jordan (real name: Grant Pierce Jay Jordan Reynolds) against former Chicago Bulls basketball player, Michael Jordan, has been voluntarily dismissed.

Taj Jordan

Smith dropped the lawsuit without explanation, after Jordan threatened to sue her for defamation of character and responded to the suit with the same. Last week, Smith stated Jordan refused to take a paternity test to settle the matter. However, abruptly dropping the case as though it has been settled or the allegation withdrawn due to lack of merit, leaves many questions unanswered. If you may an accusation that is truthful, you stand by it.

Pamela Smith and Michael Jordan

Taj Jordan and Michael Jordan

At the end of the day "Taj Jordan" deserves to know who his real father is and his mother is not acting in his best interest in this regard. No kid deserves that. The boy deserves to know the truth. I pray he will find closure and peace in this matter, as that's a lot for a teenage boy to deal with especially under the press glare.