Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Do Work That Your Future Children Can Be Proud Of

Make Your Future Children Proud


Entertainers should do the kind of work their current and or future kids can be proud of. You want them to be able to Google you or look you up on YouTube and be proud of the work you’ve done - not embarrassed, cringing or crying over what they see and hear. No child of any age wants to log on and see their parent half naked, naked or having sex. It will cause them emotional and mental trauma.


Some screenwriters, songwriters, producers and directors do really good work, turning out well polished, respectable pieces. But some choose to exploit singers, rappers, actors or actresses, via vulgarity and sexual exploitation the performers later regret. Whether you want to admit it to yourself or not, you are being exploited and in very negative ways you will regret. Some music videos and so-called commercial films that are rated PG-13 or R, may as well be classified as porn, due to the sex scenes and lack of clothing. Don’t be reckless with your work, as it will come back to haunt you.

U.S. version of the teen show "Skins" featuring and promoting promiscuous sex and drug use among underage kids 

With so many negative influences and examples in entertainment, one should not want to add to or be apart of the problem corrupting people and damaging minds and souls. Edifying, intelligent works of integrity without the salaciousness, lasciviousness and filth lasts longer and have more of a positive impact.

U.K. version of the teen show "Skins" featuring and promoting promiscuous sex and drug use among underage kids

Once you hit a certain age, all the sex centered work will be of no use to your career and you will have pimped out yourself for something that didn’t last, as the industry moves on to younger people willing to compromise themselves for money. Then you’ll be stuck with work you can’t show to your kids (regardless of their age). Be smart when you accept and put out projects. Once again, don’t add to the problem. If you’ve already done work your kids or future kids will not be proud of - stop. Don‘t do that type of work anymore, lest you make things worse for them and yourself.