Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Lindsay Lohan's New Lawyer Is A Comedian Says She Can Serve As Role Model


Failed stage mom Dina Lohan and her train wreck daughter Lindsay Lohan

he new lawyer of actress Lindsay Lohan continues to make missteps in court, in defending her lawbreaking actions on two coasts. Mark Heller has challenged Lohan's latest arrest, stating she was not read her Miranda Rights. Heller has implied prosecutors are out to get poor  defenseless drunk driving, cocaine snorting, punch throwing bar brawling Lindsay.

Heller's latest faux pas is stating Lohan is some type of role model, who can serve as a "motivational speaker" in lieu of jail time for violating her probation for the umpteenth time. Dude you are a comedian. Lindsay? A motivational speaker? On what? How to mess up. He recommends she be engaged as a motivational speaker and sent to places like hospitals (why, so she can steal all the patients drugs to get high).