Sunday, November 11, 2012

It Is Hypocritical That David Patraeus Be Forced To Resign From The Obama Administration Over Affair

David Patraeus

Yesterday, news broke of an extramarital affair between U.S. General David Patraeus and his biographer, Paula Broadwell. Political pundits are stating, the story broke to discredit and damage Patraeus, who is being compelled to testify next week regarding the Benghazi terrorist attack in Libya (Lt. Col. Ralph Peters On Petraeus: "Timing Is Just Too Perfect").

Many blame President Obama for not only misidentifying the terrorist attack at the outset, but failing to prevent it, due to cutting security and having personally sent the U.S. ambassador to the destabilized region in the first place.

U.S. President Barack Obama and FBI Director Robert S. Mueller

It turns out the FBI, headed up by corrupt director, Robert S. Mueller and the Department of Justice, led (more like misled) by Attorney General Eric Holder, opened an investigation into Patraeus and found he has been engaging in an affair with Broadwell.

The Judiciary Report finds this highly hypocritical, as based on one of my sources responsive for some of my exclusives that turned out to be 100% true, both Mueller and Holder have cheated on their wives. Who are they to throw stones at Patraeus.

Eric Holder and wife Sharon Malone

 I don't agree with things Patraeus has done in his official capacity in the U.S. government (being privy to renditions and torture and being complicit about said crimes), but for him to be forced out over adultery, which is wrong, as wives do end up very hurt over their husband's affairs, is dubious.  

As I stated on Twitter, if members of the government were to be forced out over committing adultery, half the government would be gone. Obama himself has been the subject of claims regarding an adulterous affair with a younger woman named Vera Baker. For Obama, Holder and Mueller to have kept their jobs all this time, yet Patraeus must go for committing the same sin they have, is hypocritical. 

Paula Broadwell, pictured above. Women need to think twice before they go around messing up other women's marriages and families.

The Judiciary Report is of the belief this scandal is truly about the Benghazi hearings. But on another note, I hope Patraeus' wife of 37-years will forgive him. It's not about self-righteousness, but there is a human angle to all of this. This is why adultery is so sad, it damages the family unit and leaves people brokenhearted. It's a difficult and upsetting thing to go through, but people deserve a second chance to rebuild their lives and marriages.


Lt. Col. Ralph Peters On Petraeus: "Timing Is Just Too Perfect"

LT. COL. RALPH PETERS: The timing is just too perfect for the Obama administration. Just as the administration claimed it was purely coincidence that our Benghazi consulate was attacked on the anniversary of September 11th. Now it’s purely coincidence that this affair -- extra-marital affair -- surfaces right after the election, not before, but right after, but before the intelligence chiefs go to Capitol Hill to get grilled. As an old intelligence analyst, Neil, the way I read this -- I could be totally wrong, this is my interpretation -- is that the administration was unhappy with Petraeus not playing ball 100% on their party-line story. I think it's getting cold feet about testifying under oath on their party-line story. And I suspect that these tough Chicago guys knew about this affair for a while, held it in their back pocket until they needed to play the card.

Petraeus Quits; Evidence of Affair Was Found by F.B.I.

November 9, 2012 - WASHINGTON — David H. Petraeus, the director of the Central Intelligence Agency and one of America’s most decorated four-star generals, resigned on Friday after an F.B.I. investigation uncovered evidence that he had been involved in an extramarital affair.

Report: Justin Bieber And Selena Gomez Have Broken Up (Proving The Site Right)

Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber

Over a year ago on August 13, 2011, the Judiciary Report was the first to state high profile teen couple Justin Bieber, 18 and Selena Gomez, 20 have been having relationship troubles, due to cheating and his friends giving him bad advice (Justin Bieber And Selena Gomez's Relationship In Trouble). A year later, TMZ confirmed it (Justin Bieber And Selena Gomez Are Having Relationship Problems - Part 3). 


Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez (Photo Credit: Splash)

Six weeks ago the Judiciary Report also stated Bieber has been cheating again, but this time with the opening act on his tour Carly Rae Jepsen, 26 (What's Going On Between Pop Singer Justin Bieber And His Manager's Protégé Carly Rae Jepsen). Weeks after the Judiciary Report published the aforementioned article regarding Jepsen, she and Bieber got way closer than necessary on stage during a duet, which isn't the norm, unless there is more going on (Justin Bieber Cozies Up To Cougar Carly Rae Jepsen). Yesterday it was announced, Bieber and Gomez have broken up.

Justin Bieber and Carly Rae Jepsen are not telling the truth about what's been going on between them

Bieber's fans (and his manager) are undoubtedly happy at the news, hoping he will choose one of them to be his girlfriend (provided he doesn't reunite with Gomez, as they have quietly broken up in the past). So, they aren't exactly crying for Selena, who unwisely took off her promise ring and gave Bieber her virginity, only for the relationship to repeatedly fall apart over the course of a year and a half.

Judge Denies Halle Berry Permission To Move Her Daughter To France In Questionable Decision

Halle Berry and daughter Nahla Aubry

A judge in California has denied Halle Berry permission to move her 4-year-old daughter Nahla Aubry to France with her, as the Oscar winning actress is set to marry Frenchman Olivier Martinez. Nahla's father, model Gabriel Aubry resides in California, but would have been granted visitation rights in the event the move was approved by the judge.

Halle Berry

The Judiciary Report is of the belief this decision is a massive overreach by the judge. No judge should have the authority to impact a person's life in such a manner. It is a major life decision and a judge should not play a role in it. If Berry wants to move anywhere in the world, it is her life and right. As she has primary custody of her daughter, Nahla should be able to follow her mother abroad if Berry so chooses. 



Lindsay Lohan Needs To Take A Class In Economics After Spending $90,000 On Limos

Lindsay Lohan

The nonsensical financial dealings of Hollywood trainwreck Lindsay Lohan never ceases to amaze me. The often cash strapped former child star and cocaine addict has settled a lawsuit for $90,000, incurred for leasing limos between February to May of 2009.

She could have bought a Porsche with that money. Instead she is renting then crashing them, then blaming the people at Porsche for allegedly bad engineering on their vehicles, when it was her fault for being inebriated behind the wheel whilst speeding.

Lohan needs to take a class in economics, as this is the same chick that spent over $100,000 in one year on hair and clothes. She also spent over $250,000 in one year renting a hotel room at the Chateau Marmont. She could have bought a condo with that money. However, to keep up appearances and live a luxury lifestyle outside her means, Lohan continues to spend money and run up credit card bills she does not have the income or means to repay.