Italian Magazine Chi Continue To Disseminate Kate Middleton Topless Photos
Prince William and Kate Middleton
Closer magazine in France has been raided by French Police over the topless
and bare bottom photos of Kate Middleton, the wife of Britain's Prince William.
Yesterday, the French courts granted an injunction to Middleton, barring Closer
from disseminating the photos anymore. Among unreleased photos included pics of
Middleton and Prince William having sex by the pool. The raid was an attempt to
lock down the contents of said pics, while ensuring the magazine complied with
the original court order.
Closer were ordered to turn over all the originals within 24 hours. However,
other publications and entities have copies of the pics. Italian magazine Chi
continues to publish pictures of Middleton's chi-chis in print and online and
are thought to be in possession of the sex pics. Middleton has yet to take
action against Chi for publishing the illegally taken photos of her sunbathing
practically nude at the chateau of Prince William's relative Viscount Linley.
Prince William and Kate Middleton
With the scope of modern technology available and how it is being abused by
perverts and deviants, Middleton should be careful regarding disrobing in
public, especially with nemesis Rupert Murdoch of News Corp, who illegally phone
hacked and stalked her husband, among others, using aerial drones, among other
things, to spy on people in sick ways. Being in the royal family does not exempt
one from invasive abuses, as the world is dealing with a media and entertainment
industry that doesn't believe in the law or boundaries.