Tony Scott, wife Donna Wilson and twins Max and Frank (Photo
Credit: Corbis)
The death of multi-millionaire Hollywood director, Tony
Scott, brother of Ridley Scott, remains a mystery in Los Angeles today, as he had much to live
for. The married father of two was wealthy with a long list of film credits to
his name and a home and office in Beverly
Hills. Scott had more projects in the pipeline.
Tony Scott and Ridley Scott
However, it is a known fact Scott regularly worked and
consorted with deranged Hollywood cult
members, such as those in Scientology and Kabbalah. A look at his film credits
also confirms this fact. Both cults teach people very sick and mentally
disturbing things, love to engage in phone hacking, hacking, wiretapping,
stalking and blackmail.
Tony Scott (Photo Credit: Splash)
Scientology and Kabbalah also have a very high record of
unexplained deaths and or suicides among members that are quite alarming.
Formal questions need to be asked about what happened to Scott, because for a
person with so much to live for to jump off a bridge to such a terrible death,
says something awful happened to this man's mind. However, expect a cover-up.