Thursday, May 3, 2012

Grown Man Pretending To Be Justin Bieber Blackmailed Underage Girls Into Sending Him Nude Photos


Justin Bieber

Police have arrested Christopher Gunn, of Montgomery, Alabama, for blackmailing underage girls into sending him nude photos and videos of themselves engaging in sexual activity. The girls were between the ages of 9-16. He used other people's internet connections and spoofed phone numbers to make the fraud seem real, nearly landing others into trouble for his criminal conduct.

Justin Bieber     

Turns out pedophile Gunn had contacted 250 underage girls on Facebook with the scam. Initially he pretended to be the new kid in town. The scam then progressed to Gunn pretending to be 18-year-old pop star, Justin Bieber. Fans desperately wanting to have contact with Bieber, sadly fell for it and were terribly victimized by the pedophile.

Not Justin Bieber. Pedophile, Christopher Gunn, has been arrested for pretending to be Justin Bieber, while soliciting child porn and is awaiting trial.

Gunn is a pedophile that deserves life in prison. He is a parent's worst nightmare. He targeted many underage girls and manipulated their young minds into doing things that have brought them terrible trauma. To act with such malice says he is a danger to society.