Saturday, May 5, 2012

Rupert Murdoch's Former Top Executives Rebekah Brooks And Andy Coulson Subpoenaed To The News Corp Phone Hacking Parliamentary Hearing Next Week

Rebekah Brooks and husband Charlie Brooks before the brown stuff hit the fan

Oh, this could get rough. Editors Rebekah Brooks and Andy Coulson, who resigned from Rupert Murdoch's News Corp, due to the terrible phone hacking scandal, are set to face the British Parliament next week.  The two former News International/News Corp executives that unwisely let the crooked, corrupt Murdoch family use them to do their dirty work, are expected to answer a wide range of hard hitting questions about their involvement in the criminal act of phone hacking.

Mrs. Brooks could lose her mansion and London flat (apartment) due to lawsuits stemming from her unlawful conduct on behalf of the Murdochs and News International/News Corp 

Both have already been arrested by the Metropolitan Police in the criminal inquiry, Brooks was nabbed twice, so it is in their best interest to stop covering for Murdoch. However, they may not see it that way. Murdoch has given Brooks 5,000,000 British pounds to shut her mouth. Coulson's financial payout is thought to be less. 

Andy Coulson

Side Bar: All that pretty, curly red hair will be quite popular with the other female inmates, Mr. Brooks. Having seen you in person when you popped up out of nowhere recently, I can attest, you are pretty as well, Mr. Coulson and would be another favorite in prison. Stop taking the fall for the Murdochs.


Rupert Murdoch and wife, Wendi Murdoch. She gets the point that the phone hacking scandal is no laughing matter, but he is constantly grinning while going into or leaving criminal hearings on the matter. It doesn't look right under the circumstances.

[Article background: this is another in the series of phone hacking articles the Judiciary Report has published, regarding a scandal I broke first in October 2005, via a police complaint I filed with the Metropolitan Police in London, England. 30 people have been arrested by the Metropolitan Police since the time I filed the complaint. However, the Murdochs and other key conspirators remain free and the FBI has not arrested anyone, though the crimes began and continue in News Corp's New York headquarters]