Monday, May 7, 2012

President Barack Obama Slams Rival Mitt Romney On Economics

Obama's Track Record Is Giving Him Trouble

Barack Obama

U.S. President, Barack Obama, has publicly slammed Republican challenger, Mitt Romney, on the subject of economics. Romney is a wealthy millionaire with ties to the financial sector. The president's claims are a tough sell, as the Obama Administration has struggled for 3 and 1/2 years with a deteriorated economy that has not rebounded, despite its best efforts. Economics is not his strong suit, as what he is doing has not been working. He needs to try something else.

Mitt Romney 

Romney has spoken of successes he had as the former Governor of Massachusetts and the number of jobs created during his time in office. Either way, the real test will be if he is elected and turns the terribly ailing economy around, which has been struggling with massive unemployment, very slow job growth, sky high deficit and millions of foreclosures. As they say, "The proof is in the pudding." Time will tell.