Friday, April 13, 2012

George Zimmerman Makes His First Appearance In Court Charged With Second Degree Murder In The Death Of Trayvon Martin

George Zimmerman made his first appearance in court today, charged with second degree murder, in the death of unarmed 17-year-old, Trayvon Martin. Zimmerman stood stone-faced, his eyes somewhat wild at times, as he surveyed the room. Standing in the courtroom shackled and wearing prison gear, with a blank expression, Zimmerman answered a few questions from the judge.

It is being reported Zimmerman intends to plead "not guilty" in the senseless and tragic murder of Martin, which could have been avoided, had the self-appointed neighborhood watch captain listened to 911 admonishments to leave the unarmed teen alone.

Zimmerman's new mugshot

However, Zimmerman pursued and ended up murdering law abiding Martin, who was simply walking home to his family's home in the gated community, with food he bought to watch the NBA All Star game on television. Zimmerman played judge, jury and executioner in Martin's illegal death and now he shall face his peers to answer for these crimes.


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