Wednesday, March 28, 2012

New Footage From Police Station Tapes Reveal Murderer George Zimmerman Was Not Injured Contrary To What He Claims

"Video: ABC News Video Shows George Zimmerman Unscathed"

The parents of 17-year-old murder victim, Trayvon Martin, did an interview with CNN tonight, regarding newly released footage from the Sanford, Florida police station, who detained their son's killer, 28-year-old George Zimmerman, then let him go.

Trayvon Martin's parents Sybrina Fulton and Tracy Martin

Original nonsensical reports stated Zimmerman shot Martin in "self-defense" after he stalked the teen, who he claims then attacked him. Zimmerman stated Martin punched him in the face and kept slamming his head against the concrete, leading to his face and the back of his head being injured and bloodied. Zimmerman also stated Martin broke his nose.

Trayvon Martin

However, the video that aired on CNN tonight reveals Zimmerman didn't have a scratch on him, no blood on his clothes and was walking just fine. He kept holding his head down in the video, but there are a few shots of him holding his head up. In response to this, Trayvon's father, Tracy Martin stated, "It's amazing that, if in fact he had a broken nose, how he continued to keep his head down...once you've had a broken nose, you'll know, your nose will continue to bleed and bleed and bleed until you get it fixed." Yet there was no blood or bleeding in the video.

George Zimmerman

Trayvon's mom Sybrina Fulton stated regarding the video, Zimmerman had, "No injuries. No blood on his shirt." The family's attorney stated the authorities have, "Conspired to cover up the death of Trayvon Martin." The entire case is a complete cover up and conspiracy.


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