Friday, August 12, 2011

Is Megan Fox The New Queen Of Crude

Film Role After Film Role Suggests She Is...

Megan Fox

After being unceremoniously fired from the "Transformers" film series, by director Steven Spielberg, for calling his colleague and fellow Jew, Michael Bay, a dictatorial "Hitler" Megan Fox has taken on three new film projects that leave much to be desired.

"Friends With Kids" is an indie film that does not look very promising based on pre-release materials. However, "Knocked Up 2" and "The Dictator" are outright crude and low brow. Fox has chosen films in the same genre not known for artistic merit, in trying to keep her name out there.

This will backfire, because as much as "Transformers" was not Oscar material, it was mainstream without the gross out factor. "Knocked Up 2" and "The Dictator" are well below it and full of the gross out factor, among other crude and unsavory things.

Fox's role model is actress "Angelina Jolie" who won an Oscar for the unusual, low budget film "Girl Interrupted." Fox is searching for such a moment, but it continues to elude her, due to her inability to pick a decent script.


Megan Fox Covers Elle China As Rumors Swirl Her Marriage Is In Trouble

Megan Fox's Husband Wants To Punch Shia LaBeouf In The Face

Shia LaBeouf Slammed For Blabbing About Having Sex With Megan Fox

Megan Fox Had Sex With Shia LaBeouf

Has Megan Fox Made Her Husband Insecure

Report: Democrats Do Not Think Obama Will Be Reelected

Will The Democrats Dump Obama

Barack Obama

An article published in the Telegraph newspaper indicates, members of U.S. President Barack Obama's Democratic Party, do not think he will be reelected to the White House in 2012. Polls consistently reveal, the public has continued to withdraw their support from Obama.

This is largely due to the ongoing deterioration of the U.S. economy that President Obama has been unable to correct. This leaves the question, who do they have to run against Obama, as a number of Democrats are suffering from image problems as well, having championed and voted for many of his unsuccessful and unpopular measures. They have a lot to think about, because either decision could result in a loss.

President Obama's presidency has been a lesson in politics, affirming past cases. Never take public support for granted with risky spending measures, because when they collapse, so will your poll numbers. In politics, never strictly adhere to the flash credo, "You have to spend money to make money" because if one spends on the wrong things, budget and debt problems will occur or worsen. Never put the needs of the rich ahead of the middle class and the poor, as it is unethical and the latter are usually the majority (do the math, regarding what that means at the polls come election time).


Democrats doubt Barack Obama's reelection chances


Gallup Poll: Any Republican Would Beat Obama If The Presidential Election Was Held Today

Obama's Poll Numbers Implode Into Disaster

When It Comes To Debt The Obama Administration Has The Mindset Of Gamblers

Rivals Use Bad Economy As Primary Tool In Their Bid To Oust President Obama

Billionaire Tells Obama To Resign Over The Economy

America's National Deficit Increased An Unprecedented 35% Under President Obama

A Majority Of Americans Feel They Were Better Off Before President Obama

Officials Officially Pronounce Obama's Stimulus A Massive Failure That Added Billions To The National Debt

New Negative Jobs Report Is Bad News For Obama

The Benefits Of Government Cost Cutting

Obama Calls For Job Summit

Artificial Growth - Part 2

Artificial Growth

The Queens Of The Republican Party

Sarah Palin And Michele Bachmann Take Center Stage

Sarah Palin

Politicians Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann are the reigning queens of the Republican Party. The outspoken women, have been holding a number of speaking engagements and townhall styled meetings across America, in preparation for the 2012 U.S. Presidential Election.

Michele Bachmann

Bachmann has expressed a clear interest in running for President, while Palin has dropped hints that she may toss her hat into the ring, in vying for the nomination. Currently, the Republican frontrunner is Mitt Romney, who is also beating U.S. President Barack Obama in the polls.


Gallup Poll: Any Republican Would Beat Obama If The Presidential Election Was Held Today

Obama's Poll Numbers Implode Into Disaster

When It Comes To Debt The Obama Administration Has The Mindset Of Gamblers

Rivals Use Bad Economy As Primary Tool In Their Bid To Oust President Obama

Billionaire Tells Obama To Resign Over The Economy

America's National Deficit Increased An Unprecedented 35% Under President Obama

A Majority Of Americans Feel They Were Better Off Before President Obama

Officials Officially Pronounce Obama's Stimulus A Massive Failure That Added Billions To The National Debt

New Negative Jobs Report Is Bad News For Obama

The Benefits Of Government Cost Cutting

Obama Calls For Job Summit

Artificial Growth - Part 2

Artificial Growth

The Dougherty Siblings Arrested Without Fatalities

Three Florida siblings were arrested after going on a crime spree in America, robbing a bank, fleeing and threatening the police that they would only go out in a gunfight. Thankfully, they have been caught and without any fatalities. I was praying they would not die and thank God they did not.

The Dougherty siblings are young and it is sad to see them waste their lives in this manner, when there are so many positive things they could do. Here's hoping the judge will have some mercy on them and they will use their time in prison to better themselves, then return to freedom and do good things. They are not hopeless. They've just made some bad choices. It is still possible for them to redeem themselves.

The 1.5 Million CDs Lost In Sony London Fire Are Not Covered By Insurance

CDs, DVDs, Blu Ray, Vinyl And Equipment Burned To A Crisp

Sony CEO Howard Stringer

Reports indicate the 1,500,000 CDs and an as yet unnumbered amount of DVDs, stored in the Sony warehouse in Canning Town, London that was torched in a massive blaze this week, are reportedly not covered by insurance, due to the incident having transpired during riots.

A large number of blank discs Sony uses to make CDs, DVDs and Blu Ray products, were also incinerated in the fire, resulting in a shortage. Firefighters have battled the blaze for three days, as they've been dismantling the large, charred building, to reach a segment of the structure that is still emitting smoke. Three teens were arrested yesterday in connection with the blaze.

Sony has been having a very difficult time with insurance adjusters of late. Case in point, after a collective of hackers completely hacked the Sony websites, stole financial and personal data of 100,000,000 customers, creating billions in losses for the company, their insurance company sued, stating they are not paying Sony, as the incident occurred due to their negligence and poor security practices.

It was later revealed, Sony kept customers' valuable financial data and personal information on unencrypted servers, containing outdated firewalls and next to no security. They had the funds to provide good security, but Stringer's cockiness and cheapness in cutting corners caught up with the company.


Seriously, Who Burned Down The Sony Building In London

Sony Distribution Center Set On Fire During The London Riots

Sony Gets Hacked Again To Kick Off The Month Of July 2011

Sony Suffers Another Hack

Sony Hacked Again...And Again

Sony Losing Cyber War To Hackers Who Are Battering Them In Several Countries

Sony CEO Insultingly Refers To Massive Hack As A "Hiccup" While PlayStation Site Goes Down Again

Sony Broken By Anonymous $24 Billion Dollar Hack

Another Sony Hack Claims The Personal And Financial Data Of 25 Million People

10 Million Sony PSN Credit Card Info Stolen, 2.2 Million Offered For Sale

Sony Badly Hit By $24 Billion Dollar Hack

Beyonce Steals Again But This Time From Sam Cooke, En Vogue & A European Artist

The FBI Corruptly Granted "Sovereign Immunity" In The Aisha v. FBI Case

Sony Playstations Seized Over Patent Theft Lawsuit

Shakira & Sony Stole Music From African Artists

Sony To Rip Off The iPad

Sony Loses Lawsuit For Stealing "Down Under"

Sony To Rip-Off Transformers With Voltron Reboot


Fire Destroys U.K. Record Distribution Center, Millions Of CDs Lost

4:40 pm August 9, 2011 - ...Collinson adds that he's unsure whether Ninja Tune's insurance will cover the damage. "Riot damage normally isn't insured," he says.

U.S. Government Loses $320,000,000 Hypersonic Jet In The Pacific Ocean

The U.S. government lost an expensive $320,000,000 hypersonic jet, after it malfunctioned and crashed into the pacific ocean, within minutes of launching. After 8-years of research the project ended in a failure, but as such is the research world. Not everything works on the first try.

Maybe next time you guys need to quietly test the components first, or even a scaled down version of it, to make sure it actually works, rather than drawing attention to $320,000,000 in taxpayer money careening into the ocean.

Side Bar: *Quietly wondering while searching for scuba gear* I wonder how much I could get for that jet on E-bay.

The U.S. Postal Service Wants To Layoff 120,000 People

The U.S. Postal Service wants to layoff up to 120,000 people, having racked up $8 billion dollars in losses for the year. This news is regrettable, as the economy cannot afford to shed anymore jobs. The agency is suffering from a number of issues, from rising gas prices to overpayment in the real estate market, in an effort to accommodate moves by employees.

As the Judiciary Report mentioned previously, the internet and emailing have taken away a lot of the Post Office's business (Postal Mail Revenue Declines) . The U.S. Postal Service has been a symbol of America for many years and one that means something to many people, who will not be happy at the news. If the agency had a very business oriented, shrewd corporate CEO, things could turn around to some degree. They need to get inventive, if they are to save the Postal Service.