Monday, November 14, 2011

Kim Kardashian Is Plotting To Get Back With Reggie Bush

Kardashian Continues To Humiliate Her Husband

Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian is hoping the furor surrounding her publicity stunt of a wedding and disgraceful 72-day marriage, to basketball player, Kris Humphries, which is currently facing divorce, will die down soon. Kardashian wants to get back with NFL star, Reggie Bush. To that the Judiciary Report says, run Reggie! Run like you see the end zone, because if she did this to husband Humphries, she will do this to you as well. Anyone that marries another for money and to make the man she loves jealous, is not all there.

Kim Kardashian and Reggie Bush (old photo)

Anyone that has the audacity to get married in such spectacular fashion, then file for divorce within weeks, lacks good judgment and the moral fiber to do the right thing. Really, wasn't Kardashian rich enough after all the reality shows and endorsements.

Kris Humphries and Kim Kardashian

Was $20,000,000 for a fake wedding worth her name and image, as the public has dropped her like she did to her husband. The entire Kardashian family has been tainted by the scandal. Whoever told her that the world would rally around and feel sorry for her, in dumping her husband within weeks seriously miscalculated, giving her some very bad advice.


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