Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I Thought They Said The Old Lady From Studio 54 Was Dead (Madonna)

She's Back!

Mad-onna (hahaha). Um, didn't Mariah Carey wear that outfit 20-years ago at an MTV Awards show

According to many stories about the former New York club Studio 54, there was an elderly grandma there partying every night, until she keeled over a died one day. Apparently they were wrong, because she surfaced again a few days ago, inappropriately dressed in clothes decades too young for her, looking like Satan in spandex, while lusting after men young enough to be her children and grandchildren. Or was that Madonna in a New York club this wee (LOL).

"Disco Sally" at Studio 54 before she died (she and Madonna are wearing the same shoes)

Witch, this is not 1988, stop voguing, already (*waiting for her to do "the running man" calling it the latest dance*). Oh, her kid looks so embarrassed (haha). You would be too if your mom refused to act her age or with any dignity whatsoever (why is her underage kid in a club and one where they are serving alcohol).

Madonna's daughter looking stunned and embarrassed at her mom making a spectacle of herself (left)

Madonna is such an embarrassment. Her daughter looks like she is hoping her mom will break her hip, so she will stop dancing and they can go home. Most kids can hide the embarrassing stuff their parents do, this one can't, as it is in the newspaper, because her mom tipped off the paparazzi.

"Disco Madonna"

"Disco Sally"


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