Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Family Of Murdered Teen Speaks Out Regarding The Pain Phone Hacking By Rupert Murdoch's News Corp Caused Them

This is a continuation of the phone hacking articles, regarding the story I broke first in 2005, via a police report I filed, after having my privacy violated in awful ways by thieving Madonna and her Kabbalah crony, Rupert Murdoch. Six months later in 2006, my allegations were proven true with the arrest of News International/News Corp employees, which would be the first of many.

The case that blew it wide open again in the press this year, is that of murdered British teen, Milly Dowler. It was discovered this year that Rupert Murdoch's News International/News Corp hacked into Dowler's mobile phone, copied and used the messages and emails therein, for stories they printed in their newspapers. This was an egregious violation of her privacy.

During the phone hacking, News International/News Corp, also outrageously deleted messages on the missing teen's mobile phone, to make space for new messages, seeking more scoops to print in their newspapers. As stated on the Judiciary Report months ago, it gave her poor parents the "false impression" she had simply run away and sent the police investigation in the wrong direction.

Rupert Murdoch and wife Wendi Murdoch

Today, her parents confirmed News International/News Corp's conduct did indeed give them "false hope" that she had run away, rather than been abducted, which must have been devastating. The fact of the matter is young Dowler had been kidnapped, was being held for months, then was murdered by a club bouncer with her body later disposed in the forest.

News Corp's deeds came at a terrible time, misdirecting police efforts. What that poor family has been put through. My condolences to them. News International/News Corp's behavior warrants criminal charges, as there is no excusing this. How this company found themselves into so many places they had no business being is beyond me, but Murdoch and his cult wrongly believe they rule the world and as such nothing is off limits to them.

Side Bar: I received a very credible tip recently from a great law abiding source that Kabbalah/Madonna/Murdoch paid hackers to break into a computer belonging to the U.S. federal government, seeking information regarding any potential investigation on them in conjunction with the phone hacking case. Being the stupid criminals they are, bragged about it to someone they should not have trusted.


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