Thursday, October 13, 2011

Lindsay Lohan Looks Like Death Warmed Over In Her Latest Red Carpet Photos

Who Let Her On The Red Carpet Anyway

Lindsay Lohan's teeth are damaged from drugs, alcohol and bulimia. Wow, the people at Rembrandt and or Crest White Strips need to send her something stat!

25-year-old actress and Kabbalah cult member, Lindsay Lohan, made an appearance in public last night looking very rough, disheveled and discolored. Her teeth were yellow and caked in food and wine stains. Her hands were stained as as well. She also looked very out of it, like she was under the influence of something.

Lindsay Lohan's stained hands and teeth

Lohan has aged so drastically in a few short years, that have been ram packed with partying, drug abuse, excessive alcohol consumption, promiscuous sex and mind numbing Hollywood cult brainwashing. She has lost just about everything due to the aforementioned issues - 30,000,000 in the bank, a mansion, a condo and a lucrative film career.

Lindsay Lohan

However, she is not taking the right steps to get her life back. She's blown off the judge's orders once again, regarding community service and she doesn't take rehab seriously. Not to mention, her mind is gone. Blogs are currently reporting she is again resorting to sex for favors in Hollywood, a claim the Judiciary Report previously made. Sorry, but said conduct is prostitution. There's no way to pretty it up.


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