Cathy Cruz Marrero, fell into a mall pond in America and has filed suit. She is suing due to the fact mall security uploaded the funny video to YouTube and it has become a viral hit embarrassing her.
Marrero stated she has been exposed to public embarrassment, but the poor quality of the video obscures her face and the only reason people know is because she came forward. Her attorney, James Polyak, is pursing the legal action on her behalf. I'm not going to lie, when I saw the video I laughed and played it over...three times.
For the record, I'm sorry that happened to you, as that is embarrassing, but even if I had fallen into that fountain while texting, I would have laughed and my family would never let me forget it (hey, sorry, we're just that kind of family). That's life. People fall. What can you do. However, the mall employee that posted it to YouTube did not have to do so.