Saturday, January 15, 2011

Fantasia Knew She Was Destroying A Marriage

Paging Ms. Celie, because with that expression, Fantasia, pictured above, looks like she is straight out of the field in "The Color Purple"...and she wasn't even in character.

"American Idol" winner, Fantasia Barrino, was exposed today, as having known that she was destroying the marriage of salesman, Antwaun Cook. However, she went into court and lied in the case filed by his wife, Paula Cook.

Antaun Cook and Fantasia filming her reality series

Fantasia said very abusive things to Paula Cook over the phone, in the presence of another, for seeking to keep her marriage and family together and it was not right. Antaun Cook is not and never truly will be hers.


Fantasia's Secret Emails To Married Lover: 'I Need You!' -- Read Them Here


Fantasia Bribes Judge In Divorce Case

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Fantasia Played Victim On Good Morning America

Fantasia Playing With Fire

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