Monday, November 8, 2010

Government Wastes $700,000 Studying Cow Burping

"Got milk burp?"

An article on the Union Leader website revealed, the U.S. government is wasting taxpayer money, paying researchers to watch cows burp. Yes, seriously. This madness is inexplicably happening during a financial depression. Burpgate is one of many examples of stimulus waste occurring all over the nation, as the Obama Administration has disproportionately distributed taxpayer dollars on frivolous items that will not stimulate the economy.

Personally, the Judiciary Report is not concerned with how cows burp and neither should the government. Let the beef burp, it is none of our business. The question should be how can we safely raise them and extract the most amount of meat, at the best price, to feed the population. For that one does not need a study, as farmers have been privy to this information for decades.

Do you know how many sensible jobs could have been created for $700,000. Rather than employing 1-2 university employees to watch cows burp, the government could have created 35 sensible, productive jobs paying $20,000 per year, to unemployed Americans. Multiply that by every instance of wasteful stimulus spending and widespread TARP funds misappropriation, which is in the many billions and one could have solved the unemployment crisis by now.


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UNH scientists to study cow burps . . . and more