Wednesday, September 1, 2010

ACLU Sues Obama Over Assassination List

U.S. President Barack Obama with troops in Texas (Getty)

It was announced today, the ACLU has sued the Obama Administration, over the extrajudicial Assassination List they have created, in willful violation of U.S. and international law. The Judiciary Report wrote about the list last week (click here). The Administration's death list is barbaric, cowardly and has permanently damaged Obama's legacy.

The Obama Administration has become corrupt. There is no way around this fact. Certain individuals at the FBI, CIA and the Pentagon got their hooks into Obama and it has been one crooked decision after another, that has hurt, not helped America.

Obama is a grown man and knows right from wrong. Why he consents and goes along with this corrupt agenda, speaks to his lack of integrity and moral fiber. He is walking along the same disastrous path former President, George W. Bush, did and it is going to end in the collapse of the United States of America.

Any head of state that decides he and his cabinet and their affiliated agencies, are above the law, have sovereign immunity, regardless of how egregious their conduct becomes and can suspend the statutes of the nation, is headed for complete and utter failure, with a side order of self-destruction.