Friday, August 20, 2010

Sarah Palin Supports Dr. Laura In N-Word Flap

Dr. Laura Schlessinger

Radio talk show host, Dr. Laura Schlessinger, came under fire recently, for using the N-Word repeatedly, during an on-air call between herself and a black woman that sought her advice, regarding her interracial marriage.

The caller complained her white husband's friends use racist speech when they come over to their home for visits. It is a problem quite a few interracial couples are confronted with all over the world.

Sarah Palin

The solution to the problem is to address the issue by politely informing those in question that such speech is not appropriate. If they refuse to desist, they really are not your friends or that of your spouse. That should have been the answer Dr. Laura furnished the distressed caller with, but she took an unprofessional approach.

Dr. Laura insensitively called the caller thin-skinned, informing her she should not have married outside of her race, if she was not prepared to withstand such racism and offensively kept repeating the word "nig*er" as if she was somehow going to desensitize the black caller to it, during an exchange being broadcasted to millions of listeners.

It was an inappropriate answer that revealed Dr. Laura is harboring racial issues. It's one thing when you face racism or xenophobia in the world. However, one should not have to put up with it in one's home, which is one's sanctuary.

Dr. Laura has announced her retirement as a result of the incident. However, former Vice Presidential Candidate, Sarah Palin, waded into the controversy today by stating, via Twitter, Dr. Laura's conduct is covered by Free Speech and informed the embattled radio host, "Don't retreat...reload."

This much like the 9/11 mosque controversy should be a no-brainer - yes, it is covered by the Constitution, but it doesn't mean you should insensitively and hurtfully undertake conduct widely deemed inappropriate. The public should forgive Dr. Laura and she needs to acknowledge her behavior was hurtful and change her ways in this regard.


Sarah Palin comes to Dr. Laura's defense: 'Don't retreat…reload!'

Dr. Laura Ending Radio Show Following N-Word Rant